Build enterprise search service using Amazon Kendra

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  « 6: Create Salesforce as the data source    8: Create S3 as the data source »

7: Prepare S3 Bucket as the data source

In this step, you will configure Amazon S3 as the data source to the index.

  1. The Data Link has a zip file containing some PDF files. The workshop has created copy of the some of the records from the Salesforce and it is using it as sample files in the S3 bucket. But you are free to use your own set of files. Please download the zip file and extract PDF files from it.

  2. Login to AWS Console and go S3 Management Console. Click on the + Create bucket to create a new bucket and give it a name aws-dojo-kendra-ds. Please make sure the bucket is created in the Ireland region. If this bucket name is not available, then create bucket with a different name.

  3. Once the aws-dojo-kendra-ds bucket is created, click on the bucket name to go inside the bucket and use Upload button to add the files you extracted in the step-1. As I mentioned earlier, you can also upload the files of your own.


  4. The s3 bucket with files is ready as the data source. Time to configure it as data source in the Kendra index.