Build enterprise search service using Amazon Kendra

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  « 7: Prepare S3 Bucket as the data source    9: Test the search »

8: Create S3 as the data source

In this step, you add Amazon S3 Bucket as the data source for the index.

  1. Goto Kendra Management Console. Click on the dojokendraindex index to see the details. Then click on the Add data sources button.


  2. On the next screen, click on the Add connector button for the Amazon S3.


  3. On the next screen, type in dojo-s3 as the Data source name and click Next button.


  4. On the next screen, select the bucket you created in the previous screen for the Enter the data source location field. Select AmazonKendra-eu-west-1-dojorole as the IAM Role. Select Run on demand as the Frequency and click on the Next button.


  5. On the Review and create screen, click on the Create button.

  6. The data source will be ready in no time. Click on the Sync now button to start crawling and indexing. This process might take some time.


  7. The sync job will finish in a while and you can see the status as Succeeded in the sync history.


  8. Both Salesforce and Amazon S3 are now configured as the data source and also synced. Let’s put the configuration to the test.