Delete the resources used for the workshop to avoid any further cost. Kindly remove the following resources in the sequence suggested -
- Delete dojojob job from the AWS Glue Console.
- Delete dojodatabase from the AWS Glue Console. It will also delete the catalog table.
- Delete dojo-data-stream bucket from S3 Console. If you created the bucket with a different name then delete that one.
- Delete AWS IoT rule dojoiotrule in AWS IoT Console.
- Delete AWS IoT thing dojodevice1 in AWS IoT Console.
- Delete AWS IoT policy dojodevicepolicy in AWS IoT Console.
- Delete AWS IoT Certificates created for the device in AWS IoT Console.
- Delete dojostream in the Kinesis Streams Management Console.
- Finally, delete dojogluerole and dojiotrole IAM roles from the IAM Management Console.
Congratulations. You have successfully completed the workshop. Hope you enjoyed it.