You need to create VPC Endpoints for EC2 and SSM Services in the dojovpc. The Endpoints provide EC2 instances private access to the AWS Systems Manager.
Goto VPC Management Console. Click on the Endpoints menu in the left and then click on the Create Endpoint button.
On the next screen, select AWS services for the service category. Select for the service name. Select the dojovpc for the VPC field. Select the availability zone listed with dojoprivatesubnet. Check for Enable DNS name field. Select dojo-endpoint-sg as the security group. Select Full Access for the policy and finally click on the Create endpoint button.
The endpoint is created in no time. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create two more VPC Endpoints for the AWS Services - and Other than AWS Services, keep rest of the configuration the same.
The VPC endpoints are ready. It is time to launch the EC2 instances in the private VPC.