Securely Manage Private VPC EC2 Instances using Systems Manager

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6. Launch EC2 Instances

You launch EC2 instances which are the managed using AWS Systems Manager securely.

  1. Goto EC2 Management Console. Click on the Instances in the left menu and then click on the Launch Instances button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  2. On the next screen, select Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type as the image and click on the Select button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  3. On the next screen, select t2.micro as the instance type and click on the Next: Configure Instance Details button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  4. On the next screen, type 2 for the number of instances. Select the dojovpc for the network field. Select dojo-ssm-role for the IAM role field. Then click on the Next: Add Storage button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  5. On the next Add Storage page, leave everything to the default and click on the Next: Add Tags button.

  6. On the next screen, leave everything to the default and click on the Next: Configure Security Group button.

  7. On the next screen, keep the default configuration and click on the Review and Launch button. Ignore the warnings related to the security group.

    AWS Systems Manager

  8. On the next Review Instance Launch page, click on the Launch button.

  9. On the keypair popup window, select Proceed without a key pair option. Check for the acknowledgement and click on the Launch Instances button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  10. The EC2 instances are launched. It will take couple of mins before the instances are completely ready. Wait till the status changes to 2/2 checks passed.

    AWS Systems Manager

  11. The EC2 instances are ready. Let’s see how you can access them and manage using AWS Systems Manager.