Using Amazon EMR with AWS Glue Catalog

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  « 6. Launch EMR Cluster    8. Coding in Notebook »

7. Launch Jupyter Notebook

The EMR cluster is ready. You now launch Jupyter Notebook and associate with the EMR cluster.

  1. Goto the EMR Management console, click on the Notebooks menu in the left and click on the Create notebook button.

    Amazon EMR

  2. On the next screen, type in dojoemrnotebook for the notebook name. For the cluster, select dojoemrcluster. Keep rest of the configuration to the default and click on the Create notebook button.

    Amazon EMR

  3. It will start notebook creation. Wait till the status changes to Ready.

    Amazon EMR

  4. The notebook is ready. You can now try PySpark code to process S3 based data using AWS Glue Catalog.