AWS Glue DataBrew - working with AWS RDS

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  « 7. Using Glue Databrew   

8. Clean up

Delete the resources used for the workshop to avoid any further cost. Kindly remove the following resources in the sequence suggested -

  1. Delete dojodb Glue Database.

  2. Delete S3 bucket dojo-target-bucket. If you created a bucket with different name, delete that one.

  3. Delete dojo-glue-role IAM Role.

  4. Delete dojo-mysql-sg Security Group.

  5. Delete dojodbinstance RDS Instance.

  6. Delete dojoconnection Glue Connection.

  7. Delete dojocrawler Glue Crawler.

  8. Delete dojoproject DataBrew Project along with the associated dojoproject-recipe Recipe.

  9. Delete dojojob DataBrew Job.

  10. Delete dojodataset DataBrew Dataset.

  11. Delete the S3 endpoint created in the default VPC.

Congratulations. You have successfully completed the workshop. Hope you enjoyed it.