Using Amazon Redshift in AWS based Data Lake

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  « 8. PySpark Code to Access Data   

9. Clean up

Delete the resources used for the workshop to avoid any further cost. Kindly remove the following resources in the sequence suggested -

  1. Delete dojodb Glue Database.

  2. Delete dojocrawler Glue Crawler.

  3. Delete dojoconnection Glue Connection.

  4. Delete S3 bucket dojo-rs-bkt. If you created a bucket with different name, delete that one.

  5. Delete dojo-glue-role IAM Role.

  6. Stop and delete aws-glue-dojonotebook Jupyter notebook.

  7. Delete dojoendpoint developer endpoint.

  8. Delete dojoredshift Redshift Cluster.

Congratulations. You have successfully completed the workshop. Hope you enjoyed it.