Important Note: You will create AWS resources during the workshop which will incur cost in your AWS account. It is recommended to clean-up the resources as soon as you finish the workshop to minimize the cost.

Athena Federated Query with Amazon RDS

Amazon Athena is a serverless and interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Amazon Athena Federated Query can be used to run SQL queries across data stored in relational, non-relational, object, and custom data sources. Athena uses data source connectors that run on AWS Lambda to execute federated queries. The data source connectors help connect with data sources like CloudWatch, DocumentDB, DynamoDB, HBase, JDBC data sources (like Redshift, MySql, SQL Server) etc.

In this workshop, you configure RDS PostgreSQL database as the data source for Amazon Athena and use federated query to view data from the RDS database.

The following diagram shows the scenario you are going to build. Start the workshop

Amazon Athena Federated Query