Securely Manage Private VPC EC2 Instances using Systems Manager

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  « 1: Pre-requisite    3. Create Security Group »

2. Create Private VPC and Subnet

You start with creation of Private VPC & Subnet where EC2 instances are launched.

  1. Login to AWS Management Console and change the region to Ireland.

  2. Goto VPC Management console. Select Your VPCs menu option in the left and then click on the Create VPC button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  3. On the next screen, enter dojovpc as the VPC Name. Type in for the IPv4 CIDR block. Keep rest of the configuration to the default and click on the Create VPC button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  4. The VPC is created in no time. Select Subnets menu option in the left and then click on the Create subnet button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  5. On the next screen, select dojovpc as the VPC ID. Type in dojoprivatesubnet for the subnet name. Type in for the IPv4 CIDR block. Keep rest of the configuration to the default and click on the Create subnet button.

    AWS Systems Manager

  6. The subnet is created in no time. You now enable DNS Configuration for the dojovpc. Select dojovpc and click on Edit DNS hostnames option under the Actions menu.

    AWS Systems Manager

  7. On the next screen, check the enable option and click on the Save changes button. The configuration is saved.

    AWS Systems Manager

  8. In the next step, you configure Security Group which is used by the endpoints configured at the later steps.