Build managed self-service repository using AWS Service Catalog

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5: Create Product in Service Catalog

You will now create five products in AWS Service Catalog - Product-S3, Product-SQS, Product-SNS, Product-DynamoDB and Product-Redshift. The products are created using AWS Cloudformation template for these services.

The following are the URL of the Cloudformation template used to create the products. You will need them when creating the product.






Let’s start.

  1. Go to the AWS Service Catalog Management Console, Click on the Products menu under Administrator section in the left side and then click on the Upload new product button.

    Service Catalog

  2. On the next screen, Enter the Product name as Product-S3 and Owner as AWS Dojo , select Use a CloudFormation template option for the Choose a method under the Version details section. Copy-paste Product-S3 CloudFormation template URL (from above) in the Use a CloudFormation template field. Enter Version title as v1.0. Keep rest of the fields with the default. Click on the Review button.

    Service Catalog

  3. On the next screen, click on the Create product button. The product is created in no time. You can see the new product listed.

    Service Catalog

  4. Kindly repeat step 1 to 3 to create other four products - Product-SQS, Product-SNS, Product-DynamoDB and Product-Redshift. Each time, you will give a product name and also the appropriate URL (from above) for the Use a CloudFormation template field.

  5. Once, all the products are created, you can see them listed as the following.

    Service Catalog

  6. The products are ready. You will now create two porfolios for them in the next task.