AWS Data Wrangler Series - Part3- Working with Amazon Redshift

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  « 6: Setup Jupyter Notebook    8. Clean up »

7: Write Data Wrangler Code

The notebook instance is ready. You now write code using Data Wrangler to work with Redshift.

  1. In the Glue console, click on the Notebooks menu in the left. Select aws-glue-dojonotebook instance and click on the Open notebook button.

    AWS Data Wrangler

  2. It will open Jupyter in a new browser tab or window. Select conda_python3 option under the New menu. Basically, you are starting a notebook with Python3.

    AWS Data Wrangler

  3. It will open a notebook in a new browser tab or window.

    AWS Data Wrangler

  4. Run the command !pip install awswrangler in the cell to install AWS Data Wrangler in the notebook instance.

    AWS Data Wrangler

  5. Copy-paste and run the following command to import pandas and awswrangler modules.

    AWS Data Wrangler

    import awswrangler as wr
    import pandas as pd
    from datetime import datetime


  6. Copy-paste and run the following command to connect to Redshift cluster and fetch all the records from the dojotable. It will use Glue connection to connect to the Redshift cluster.

    AWS Data Wrangler

    myconnection = wr.redshift.connect("dojoconnection")
    df = wr.redshift.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM dojotable", con=myconnection)


  7. Copy-paste and run the following command. It first transforms the data in df data frame by selecting firstname and lastname fields only and then writes that data to the dojocustomers table in the Redshift dev database.

    AWS Data Wrangler

    df = df [["firstname","lastname"]]


  8. You can check a new table dojocustomers created under public schema in the dev database in the Redshift cluster.

    AWS Data Wrangler

  9. Back to the Jupyter notebook. Copy-paste and run the following command. It first creates a new dataframe newdf with some dummy data and then appends the data to the dojocustomers table.

    AWS Data Wrangler

    newdf = pd.DataFrame({"firstname": ["fname1", "fname2"], "lastname": ["lname1", "lname2"]})
    wr.redshift.to_sql(df=newdf, table="dojocustomers",  schema="public", con=myconnection, mode="Append")


  10. You can check the appended records in the table dojocustomers

    AWS Data Wrangler

  11. Back to the Jupyter notebook. Copy-paste and run the following command. It first creates a new dataframe updatedf where the lastname field is updated for few records. Then it updates the data to the dojocustomers table. It uses firstname as the primary key.

    AWS Data Wrangler

    updatedf = pd.DataFrame({"firstname": ["fname1", "fname2"], "lastname": ["llastname1", "lastname2"]})
    wr.redshift.to_sql(df=updatedf, table="dojocustomers",  schema="public", con=myconnection, mode="upsert", primary_keys=["firstname"])	
  12. You can check the updated records in the table dojocustomers

    AWS Data Wrangler

  13. Back to the Jupyter notebook. Copy-paste and run the following command to close the connection to the Redshift database.

  14. This finishes the workshop. Follow the next step to clean-up the resources so that you don’t incur any cost post the workshop.