AWS Data Wrangler Series - Part3- Working with Amazon Redshift

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5. Configure Glue Connection

You configure Glue Connection which is used by AWS Data Wrangler to connect to the Amazon Redshift Database.

  1. Goto Glue Management console, select Connections menu in the left and then click on the Add connection button.


  2. On the next screen, type in dojoconnection for the connection name. Select Amazon Redshift as the connection type. Click on the Next button.


  3. On the next screen, select dojoredshift for the cluster. Type in Password1! for the password. Click on the Next button.


  4. On the next screen, click on the Finish button to create the connection. When the connection is created, select the connection and click on the Test connection button.


  5. On the popup window, select dojo-glue-role as the IAM Role and click on the Test connection button.


  6. The connection testing will start. Wait till you see connection status as Successful.


  7. The Glue Connection is ready. You now launch Jupyter Notebook which is used for AWS Data Wrangler programming.