Let’s start with creating a repository for the container image in AWS ECR. Later when you create a container image in Cloud9 Environment which works as the runtime for the Lambda Function.
Login to the AWS Console. Select Paris as the region.
Goto the AWS Elastic Container Services (ECS) console and click on the Repositories menu in the left and then click on the Create repository button.
On the next screen, Select Private visibility settings and enter dojorepo as the repository name. Keep rest of the configuration to the default and click on the Create repository button.
The repository is created in no time. Select the repository created and click on the View push commands button.
In popup window, you can see the commands which are used to push the image to the repository from the development environment. You will use these commands later in the Cloud9 IDE environment.
The repository is ready. You now create and configure Cloud9 environment for Docker.