Creating Private API in Amazon API Gateway

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3: Create VPC Endpoint

You configure VPC Endpoint which provides private access to the private API in the API Gateway.

  1. Goto VPC Management Console. Click on the Endpoints menu in the left and then click on the Create Endpoint button.

    Private API Gateway

  2. On the next screen, select AWS services for the service category. Select for the service name. Select the default VPC for the VPC field. Select all three subnets of the VPC. Check Enable DNS name option. Select dojo-api-sg as the security group. Select Full Access for the policy and finally click on the Create endpoint button.

    Private API Gateway

    Private API Gateway

  3. The endpoint is created. You make note of the Endpoint Id once the endpoint is ready as you need it later when configuring and calling the private API.

    Private API Gateway

  4. In the next step, you create the Lambda function which works as the backend for the API in the API Gateway.