AWS IoT Core Integration with Amazon Timestream

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  [« 3: Register the Device ]    [5: Create IoT Rule »]

4: Create Timestream Database

In this task, you create an Amazon Timestream database and table where the IoT device publishes the messages.

  1. Goto Amazon Timestream console, click on the Create database button.

    Amazon Timestream

  2. On the next screen, select Standard database option. Type in dojodatabase as the name. Keep the rest of the configuration to the default and click on the Create database button.

    Amazon Timestream

  3. Database is created in no time. Open the database details and click on the Create table button.

    Amazon Timestream

  4. On the next screen, type in dojotable as the table name. Select 1 Day for the Memory store retention and Magnetic store retention fields. Click on the Create table button.

    Amazon Timestream

  5. The table is created in no time. Next you configure IoT Device to publish messages to the Timestream database table.