Build AWS AppSync API and API Client using Python

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  « 1: Pre-requisite    3. Configure AppSync API »

2: Create IAM Roles

You now create IAM Role which is used by the AWS Lambda functions to call other AWS Services.

  1. Login to your AWS account and choose Ireland as the region.

  2. go to IAM Management Console. Click on the Roles menu in the left side and then click on the Create role button.


  3. On the next screen, select Lambda as the AWS Service. Click on the Next: Permission button.


  4. On the next screen, select PowerUserAccess as the policy and click on the Next: Tags button.


  5. Click on the Next: Review button on the next screen.

  6. On the next screen, enter dojolambdarole for the Role name field and click on the Create role button.


  7. The role is created in no time. The next step is to configure AWS AppSync API and define schema.