AWS AI Services Programming Series - Part5 (Fraud Detector)

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  « 1: Pre-requisite    3. Build Fraud Detector Model »

2. Prepare Data

You will use a sample data to train the model to detect frauds for the events. The workshop used a sample data provided by AWS. Download the data from the link. It is a csv file with the following fields:

ip_address - a variable field in the data.

email_address - a variable field in the data.

EVENT_TIMESTAMP - mandatory field. Presents the timestamp for the event.

EVENT_LABEL - mandatory field. Presents a fraud or legitimate event. If the value is legit, it means the event is legitimate. If the value is fraud, it represented a fraud event.

Fraud Detector

You can use your own data set as long as there are more than 10000 records and you have EVENT_TIMESTAMP and EVENT_LABEL fields in there.

You will upload the sample data file to a S3 bucket.

Login to AWS Console and choose Ireland as the region.

Create a bucket with name dojo-fraud-records. If this bucket name is not available, use a bucket name which is available.

Fraud Detector

Upload the sample-data.csv file into the bucket created.

Fraud Detector

The training data is ready. The next step is to build and train a model using this training data.