Build enterprise search service using Amazon Kendra

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  « 2: What are we building?    4: Configure Role »

3: Create an Index

Let’s start with creation of the Index in Amazon Kendra. An index contains documents that are indexed from the data sources and it provides search results for documents and frequently asked questions (FAQ) that it has indexed.

  1. Login to AWS Console. Select an AWS Region where AWS Kendra is available. The workshop is using the Ireland region.

  2. Goto Kendra Management Console. Click on the Create an Index button.


  3. On the next screen, enter dojokendraindex as the index name. Select Create a new role as the option for the IAM Role. Type in AmazonKendra-eu-west-1-dojorole as the role name. Click on the Next button.


  4. On the next screen, select Developer edition as the option and click on the Create button. The workshop choose the developer edition because it is not a production deployment.


  5. It will start creation of the index. It will first propagate the role and then create index. It will take around 30 mins. Wait till the index is created and the status has changed to Active.


  6. The index is ready. Time to configure the IAM role used with the index.