Create Data Lake with Amazon S3, Lake Formation and Glue

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  « 9: Query Data   

10: Clean up

Login to AWS account with your user account (not salesuser or customersuser) which has administrative access. Kindly clean up the following resources to reset the account and also avoid any further cost.

  1. Delete dojocrawler crawler in AWS Glue Console.
  2. Delete dojodb database in AWS Lake Formation Console.
  3. Delete s3://dojo-datalake/data configured as the Data lake location in AWS Lake Formation Console. If you used a different bucket then delete that one.
  4. Delete s3://dojo-datalake bucket in S3 Management Console. If you used a different bucket then delete that one.
  5. Delete IAM Role - dojocrawlerrole.
  6. Delete IAM Users - salesuser and customersuser.

Thanks for completing the workshop. Hope you enjoyed it.