Understanding Device to AWS IoT Core Communication

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IoT to Device Communication

You tested device to the AWS IoT core communication in the previous task. In this task, you do the opposite.

  1. Goto MQTT client which is already running, click on the Subscribe tab, enter iot/dojooutbound as the topic and click on the Subscribe button. This is a topic which the device is subscribing to. AWS IoT core will send message to this topic and the device will recieve it.


  2. The device now waiting for the message. Please keep it running like that.

  3. Go back to AWS IoT subscriptions page, click on the Publish to a topic link.


  4. On the next screen, enter the topic as iot/dojooutbound and change the message to be sent. Click on the Publish a topic button.


  5. Go back to MQTT device and you can see the message recieved from the AWS IoT core.


  6. With both way communication, the workshop is over. Kindly goto the next task to clean-up the resources for the workshop.